Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Olympic National Park , Wa

It has been about a decade since Madhu and I  took  our  last  driving  sightseeing tour in USA.   It turned out to be a great trip. The Pacific Northwest is a charmer and its offbeat character and quirky comparable to other exotic and popular places on planet like New Zealand  with out  flying that  far. ( My friends has  accused me  of  not helping uS economy  by taking all  vacations abroad :-) )

We Started our driving tour of the Northwest form  the  Olympic State Park.  After attending the   great wedding and grand reunion  of the school and college  friends at Denver, on early Monday morning (6/6/'16) we flew to Seattle, Wa.  Drove to   Olympic national park directly from the airport.

Hidden away in the nation’s extreme northwest, Washington’s spectacular coastline and heavily forested interior showcases over 350 miles of wild, storm-lashed beaches along with some of the country’s most untainted and pristine rural ecosystems

First, we went to the Hurricane Ridge, named for the 100-mile-an-hour winds that can blow here in winter, in summer the Ridge is merely spectacular, offering amazing views of the Olympic Mountains and the Olympic Peninsula coastline. Two good easy hikes start near the Hurricane Ridge Visitor Center: Hurricane Hill and Cirque Rim 

Next we went to the  Lake Crescent. This deep, clear, glacier-carved  but skipped the  Sol Duc Hot Springs. Visited the  Rialto  Beach across La Push for  the sunset.
Stayed overnight at the Forks,  know as the place ofr the vampires,  Next day  visited  the Hoh rain forest,  Ruby beach and  Lake Quinault.

 “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.” – Mark Twain

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